Friday, February 24, 2012

Column max size for String

Hello I currently am using the nvarchar type which has a maximum size of 4000 char's. Is there any other type that I can use which can store a greater amount of char's ?

Many thanks

GrantVarchar can go up to 8000. You can usetext orntext fields which have no practical upper limit on the number of chars. Withtext orntext fields fields you lose some flexibility such as the ability to use thetext orntext field in a where clause.

text is for variable-length non-Unicode data.

ntext is for variable-length Unicode data.|||text datatypes can hold upto 2GB bytes of data ... And ntext also used the same limitation ... The only difference being text datatypes use 1 bytes for 1 character and ntext types use 2 bytes for storing single unicode character ...

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