Sunday, March 25, 2012

Combining Fields to string

I have a function that takes a field with values separated by commas within the field and splits them to multiple rows.

Field - Interior
Value - abc,def,efg,ghi

ID Item
1 abc
2 def
3 efg

This is working great thanks to help that I received on here.

Now I am combining multiple fields to a string.
Field1: abc, def
Field2: ghi, jkl


SELECT (Field1 + ',' + Field2) From ....

This is working great unless there is a field that has a NULL value. Then I get a NULL result.

Is there an easy way to only put the fields with value into my string and leave out the NULL fields? Some have one NULL field, some have multiple. I just need to get the string to work and get only the fields that have values.

Any suggestions are always appreciated.It has been resolved on another post.



Originally Posted by rpeacock

It has been resolved on another post.


I am having the same problem - can you tell me what other post solved the issue?

Thanks in advance


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